I’m Andrew Bennett and welcome to today’s show. On the program today we will be discussing how to apply for Medicare.
The very first thing I’m going to tell you is that if you are already receiving Social Security then your card will just magically show up in the mail.
Your card might just show up in the mail
That’s right if you are already receiving Social Security either because you took it early or because you were on disability there is nothing you have to do to get your red, white, and blue Medicare card.
Now…you still have decisions to make about whether to get a supplement or an Advantage plan, but that’s a whole different thing. What I am talking about is just getting signed up for Part A & Part B. For an overview of Medicare (Click Here)
You still have to decide on a supplemental & Part D or Advantage Plan
If you are one of those with Social Security your card will show up in the mail about 3 months before the month of your 65 birthday….and you can quit watching now.
For the rest of you who do need to apply you can do it three ways. You can go down to your local Social Security office and do it there. You can call Social Security 1-800-772-1213.
How to Apply for Medicare Online
Or the easiest way is to go to SSA.gov. That is the Social Security Administrations website.
That link will take you to the page below. Here’s where it get’s interesting. Once on this page you have to scroll down about halfway through the page.
If you notice the slider is about halfway down the page and it’s there you will find the “Apply for Medicare Only” button.
Clicking on the blue “Apply for Medicare Only” takes you in turn to this page and it is here that you finally start the application process. The first step is to agree with the disclosure statements by clicking the
“I understand and agree to the above statements.”
Then click next to be take to yet another page.
Whalaaaa! You are finally ready to start your application. Just click on the “Start a New Application” tab and your off!
Folks, thanks a lot for taking the time and if you are watching on Youtube please make sure to like and subscribe.
If you need further help with Medicare call me at 865.712.5711